Jumat, 21 September 2012

Sangihe Island Tourism

Waterfalls Kadadima, Sangir, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
Waterfalls Kadadima also one of the two waterfalls attractions are located in villages Laine , South Manganitu sub . Water plunge Kadadima Laine entered the village can be reached by land vehicles from Tahuna about 2 hours and from the Port of Fery Pananaru about 25 minutes , while the village Laine heading East towards walk about 45 minutes


White sand beach, Sangihe, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
exotic beach in the village Pananualeng , Middle Tabukan district . The people of frequently called white sand beach.

Mahengetang Island , Sangihe , North Sulawesi, Indonesia

Waterfall Nguralawo, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
The waterfall is 6 km from the center of Tamako . According to the legend called Nguralawo since ancient times this happens waterfall baths angels ( daughter of heaven )

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